Nicotto Town

( ももうさぎ日記 )

(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 3
today 6 more new students came!they were all koreans wich i TOTALLY hate!!!!one, because one is like so  selfish and off stuff like that because once when we were introducing ourselves,she asked the teacher if she could EARASE OTHER PEOPLES NAME so she could write REALLY BIG.she wants herself to be the center of attention...its pretty annoying.two, the teacher has to change our seats so i cant sit with other friends!three,we have to remember more names....I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!anyways the afternoon we were doing kunfu and it was so tiring because it was so hard!!!well theres nothing to say so bye bye!!!

2010/07/13 16:22
ps u-know-wat right? (my blog!!)
2010/07/13 16:20
i hate show offs, especially THAT one EARASE OTHER PEOPLES NAME? so selfish!!!!!!!!!!
2010/07/13 15:35

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