Nicotto Town

( ももうさぎ日記 )

(archive) summer camp ch

summer camp chapter 12
today we played some games in the morning and one is theres alot of words and the teacher says the meaning or the clue the word.we hit the words on the board with these toy hammers and it was fun and also we played a game wich theres these cardboards on the floor and we have to step on it when the teacher says there are 11 students so there will be 10 cardboards and the person which doesnt step on the cardboard has to answer a question and if they dont know then they have to minus a point and also we have two teams so yeah.....and also theres a game which there are chairsand the teacher puts on music and so we stand up go to an other chair and then when the music stops the teacher will write a number and the chairs have numbers so if you are sitting on that chair then you have to answer a sounds like music chairs but its not.i think the standing on the cardboard game was actually after lunch so then we also did some writing and at the last of the day there were students that speak english in class so the have to get this caled i am a big mouth and so sean got it (my bro.).he sang baby (justin beiber) in chinese and also an other class was watching it and it was really funny!!well the other class also got it but he was honest and said he speak japanese and nobody knew it so he didnt have to do it and also he was crying!!!!anyways thats all!!!

2010/07/30 19:07
Of course yaya but the candy I like it so can you trade me good thing?
2010/07/29 22:37
I don't know, but if you can, can you give me the candy thing? You don't have to.
2010/07/29 19:57

plz look at it!!!!
2010/07/29 17:03
soooo does not make sense.... but its sooo cool! its almost school!←i dont know if i should be happy...

it felt like the 46 days were just yesterday! also , i know BABY, but i dont know there even was a chinese version

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