Nicotto Town



# Armeria (original English lyrics)
Lyrics written by TORIDORIA
Music written by KOUICHI

When a selfish woman without ceremony gets caught in traffic jam on a passenger seat,
(いつも足に使うくせして 少しの渋滞で文句を垂れる)
she offers ideas as to her being home and take advantage of my weak point
(「もう帰る」と言われた日には 気弱な男じゃ敵わない)

"Get me the amethyst, and I will forgive you"
Oh, no! What a egoist!

You want me to sympathize?
Want me to empathize?
To cut a long story short, it's your occupation
(要するにそれこそ オマエらのナリワイ)
That floral language does not suit you
You are not a pretty Armeria
(可憐にたたずんだ あの花を)

When a jealous man without knowledge is about to lose an argument logically,
(無茶な土俵 上がろうとして 論理的に論破されちゃうときに)
he tries to rake up past events and wanna be with a triumphant look
(決まって出す窮鼠の得物 自慢げに言う過去の話)

"He is a racist!"
Who say such a thing are genuine racists
(そう決めつけるのが ホンマのレイシスト)

You oughtn't to say anything, to take any attitudes
(何も言葉にしない 態度にも出さない)
No matter what you say, you don't have integrity
(そういった美徳を ワキマエようとしない)
Be strict on your own kind if you aren't so
(自分は違うなら 身内から正せ)
You pretend cute despite a piranha
(可憐なフリをした ピラニア)

You make yourself receive relief, playing the disadvantaged role
(弱者を演じては もらうものを貪り尽くす)
You are tough, clever, mean, dirty, ugly and evil
(したたかで卑しく 華奢とはおよそ程遠い性根)

You want me to sympathize?
Want me to empathize?
To cut a long story short, it's your occupation
(要するにそれこそ キサマらのナリワイ)
There're who sympathize and is sympathized with
But there mustn't be who demand sympathies

You make me sympathize
Make me empathize
A society cannot last where honesty doesn't pay
(真面目がバカを見る 社会は続かない)
Whoever we sympathize with, sympathies are despised
(ただ気の毒なのは 方便と解され)
May Lord have mercy upon Armeria
(名を踏みにじられた アルメリア)

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