Nicotto Town


Final Exams!?・最終試験!?




Next week are final exams.

At my school, final exams take place before winter break, and then again before summer break. After winter break, in January, classes change. After summer break, classes change again, and I become a junior.

This time, final exams go from the 16th to the 18th. I'll do my best!

2015/12/19 19:04
Hi! Ana chan!
How were the examinations? When you are not troubled with an examination and become able to enjoy an examination, you are good.
See ya!
2015/12/13 17:49
Hi! Ana chan!
Let's be careful not to take cold.
Japan is a mild winter this winter. It became nearly 25 degrees centigrade last week in Tokyo. But there is the cold day.
I am careful not to take cold because a difference of the heat and cold is big.
See ya!

風邪をひかないように気を付けよう! 日本は、この冬暖冬です。先週、東京では、摂氏25度近くになりました。でも、寒い日もあります。寒暖の差が大きいので、風邪をひかないように、注意しています。
風邪           かぜ     cold
気を付けよう       きをつけよう Let's be careful
冬            ふゆ      winter
暖冬           だんとう    mild winter
先週           せんしゅう   last week
25度          にじゅうごど  25 degrees
近く           ちかく     nearly
寒い           さむい      cold
寒暖           かんだん     heat and cold
差            さ       difference
大きい          おおきい     big
注意           ちゅうい    careful
2015/12/12 20:32
Hi! Ana chan!
I think that your coordinates of today are very pretty.
Is it class composition by the ability?
I hope the best for you.

2015/12/11 10:45
Another 5 days to go!
Wish you luck~^^

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