- カテゴリ:イベント
- 2016/08/04 03:57:14
ミニゲーム「金魚すくい ~2016~」の結果
- 106点
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- 22匹
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- 2個
My favorite game came to Nicotto Town again this summer break!
Why do the fish always swim away? Do they not want to be saved? Lol.
If you use the bucket, catching fish is easy!
That big fish looks like a koi fish. Is it not a goldfish?
On the eleventh, summer break ends. I don't wanna go to school! It's a long break, but it seems to end immediately. ><
BTW, have you finished eating those leftovers? I really like it as you said you can't let them go to waste. Same here! I saw many Americans threw away foods so easily when living in N.J. It was soooo もったいない!>_<
Thank you. How I wish I was there with you! Lol
Click ニコッとプラス→ニコット広告→4択クイズ, then you can answer the quiz to get 3 points each day.
I'm a member of "Let's get 3 points". I never fail the answer, as some of the members let us know the answer very early in the morning!^^ Maybe you should become the member too~
Oh, I wish I could eat the leftover! Lol
You seem to enjoy being with your grandparents! Don't eat too much~^^
Oh, you can make it! You can use the bucket every time on the game, as you get 5 buckets everyday. Besides that, you'll get two more buckets if you collect 10 godlfish stones each day. The stones are easy to scoope up, as they don't move much!
You were lucky to get squashed cake!?^^ Oh, I payed for the cake, unfortunately.^^;
You'll get the ごまちゃん in 10 days!
Oh, Koi is 恋!! I've never thought of that before. What an interesting interpretation!
As for the cake, a friend of mine made it for us, as she's a confectioner. We had caramel Bavarian cream cake; her original. Was yummy~^^ My son's favorite is chocolate cake too~
Many of us make cake when our kids are younger, but I guess most of us just buy it after our children become 13 years old or something. Your mom is great; she still make one for you~^^
You are right. The big fish is a koi fish. You know Japanese stuff so well.@@
You know what? There are two meanings of すくう. One is to rescue and the other is to scoope up.
金魚すくい is the latter one!^^
Oh well, I don't know why my son didn't eat his birthday cake either. Lol
He still doesn't talk to us; maybe he doen't want to give in. He used to start talking after eating his favorite food, you know. ^^