みあげたもんだよ夜空のたんご のばんた
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2023/04/13 07:11:27
aprile 13 giovedi 21/7j-arato 8:00am missile drop! evacuate immdiatly pls
city of bath UKBuildings from Bath's pre-Norman period either no long...
aprile 13 giovedi 21/7j-arato 8:00am missile drop! evacuate immdiatly pls
city of bath UKBuildings from Bath's pre-Norman period either no long...
aprile 12 mercoledi ☁︎☔︎ 23/11℃太極拳9797歩
Stonehenge UKa prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Englan...
aprile 11 martedi ☀︎ 26/7℃12321歩
The Palace of Westminster UKserves as the meeting place for both the House of Commons ...
aprile 10 ☀︎ 22/2℃9779歩
The Old Town (Scots: Auld Toun) UKhe name popularly given to the oldest part of Scotland's capi...
aprile 9 Pascha 13/2
Tower of London, UKofficially His Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London, is a historic...