A. Party [15/12/2017]
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2017/12/16 07:46:19
It was my first acquaintance party where I decided to join the crowd in the center.
I didn't expect to have fun at all, it was all becuase I hanged ou...
It's all in English^^
【 全ては英語で(^-^; 】
It was my first acquaintance party where I decided to join the crowd in the center.
I didn't expect to have fun at all, it was all becuase I hanged ou...
Today we've opened our booth which was a movie booth. We were able to sell 1,700 worth of tickets.
It's student's week this week and we've started with a bang. Parol parading, using recycled materials, we have made a estimated height of 4 meters lon...
クリスマスもうそろそろですね^^ And new year!
Apparently since I am a player from overseas, I cannot buy P Coin :( Which means I am forever stuck with C Coin items. How sad!